Social Media Campaign

Case Study

Transforming a POS Roll Manufacturer's Digital Marketing Strategy


The Brainiac Trend, a leading digital marketing company, recently undertook a transformative campaign for a POS roll manufacturer. The client, with a non-existing social media presence, aimed to establish a nationwide distribution chain by targeting B2B buyers. This case study highlights the strategies implemented by The Brainiac Trend, the results achieved, and the lessons learned during the campaign.



The Brainiac Trend devised a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to address the client’s objectives, a low-cost high impact strategy was generated to overcome budget constraints


Audience Segmentation & Targeting

The first step was to identify and segment the B2B audience for the POS roll manufacturer. The Brainiac Trend held multiple meetings with tht client to understand the needs and preferences of potential buyers, enabling them to craft targeted messaging.


Social Media Optimization

As the client had no social media presence, The Brainiac Trend created and optimized social media account on  Facebook. Compelling content, highlighting the benefits of the POS rolls, was regularly posted to engage the target audience.


Free Sample Campaign

The client was bold enough to implement a free sample campaign to introduce the product to potential buyers. Through targeted advertisements, interested businesses were encouraged to request a complimentary sample. This approach aimed to showcase the quality and functionality of the POS rolls, leading to larger orders.


The Brainiac Trend devised a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to address the client’s objectives, a low-cost high impact strategy was generated to overcome budget constraints

B2B Buyer Acquisition

The Brainiac Trend successfully identified and targeted B2B buyers interested in the client’s POS rolls. Through their optimized social media presence and influencer partnerships, they were able to reach a wide audience of potential buyers.

Nationwide Distribution Chain

The campaign effectively established a nationwide distribution chain for the POS roll manufacturer. The Brainiac Trend’s strategic efforts resulted in the client securing partnerships with distributors across different regions, expanding their market reach.

High Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)

The Brainiac Trend achieved an impressive ROAS of 100x for the client. By attracting bulk buyers through the sample campaign and leveraging effective digital marketing tactics, the client experienced substantial revenue growth and profitability.

Increased Order Volume

The sample-based approach implemented by The Brainiac Trend proved successful. The initial free samples generated significant interest, leading to a higher volume of larger orders from businesses impressed with the product’s quality and functionality


The Brainiac Trend’s digital marketing campaign successfully transformed the client’s business by establishing a nationwide distribution chain for their POS rolls. By targeting B2B buyers, implementing a sample-based approach, and leveraging influencer partnerships, the campaign achieved outstanding results, including a high ROAS and increased order volume. This case study serves as a testament to the effectiveness of strategic digital marketing in driving growth and success for businesses in the modern era.